Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Does anal-retentive have a hyphen?

Having recently entered the world of blogging I find myself in what might be a common conundrum for my fellow cyber-writers - how to organize my rambling jumbled thoughts to concise and topic-centric snippets...and how the heck to take the time to write it :). Part of the reason I started this blog was to practice my writing. Writing in a larger sense, not necessarily as a typical blog reflecting a daily update of my life. That being said, I don't know how you can have a blog without the influence of the world around you.

The difficulty for me comes from the organization. Do blogs inherently exist in a state of disorder? Other than the search/topic feature is there really a way for them to be organized? They are, indeed, a web-log, like the name implies. Merely a log of whatever you would like it to be. Your daily activity. The news of the day. The latest in the world of politics. The latest in the world of peanut butter. Captain's log, star-date 2-19-2008. Whatever you want is what you create.

Part of my struggle (other than finding dedicated time to write - which is what this exercise is really about anyway) has been a worry about how what I want to say will fit in with the other pieces. What is the overall goal/theme of my blog? Am I going somewhere with this or just going? Appropriately these themes are carried through my life as a whole right now, and at least temporarily I have reached acceptance. Acceptance that this blog is whatever I want to make it to be, and if I don't have a theme right now, or a greater purpose of story telling other than the need to write more often and with greater clarity I shouldn't let that be my roadblock. So, while I know, and understand that this content is available for perusal by others, I am going to write it for myself. It is doubtful that anyone reading my blog regularly (a miracle that anyone could be doing that - especially since it is virtually unknown) would necessarily notice a difference but it is a change on my outlook and my approach, and should make posting much easier because I will stop worrying about organization and just get to the business of writing. This isn't a novel (! shock and gaping mouth ensue) and I need to get over it. If I'm able to that, this blog will have been a whole lot more useful than just forcing me to write more.

Song of the Day: All My Life - Foo Fighters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. involving, relating to, or situated near the anus.

1.(of a person's memory) having the ability to remember facts and impressions easily.

i hope this helps your quest in finding the true use of that hyphen...or any body for that matter.

I love your posts...i too, feel that its a mubbly jumbly world that is the *blog* pour your guts out i say, besides every body cant trust anything on the net anyways. be bold be brave!