Thursday, June 26, 2008

Time to get things done

sigh. So much to do.
prioritizing my list
needs to happen first

Song of the Day: So Much To Say - DMB

Monday, June 23, 2008

s things I like

Surfing, Soccer, Sand, Saltwater, Saltwater Taffy, Singing, Swing Dancing, Sundays, Saturdays, SAILING, Serendipity frozen hot chocolate, Serenity NOW, silliness, signatures, sounds, SUNSHINE, smiles, sad songs, sappy songs, songs, sweets, sending mail, stripes, solids, SKIING, snowboarding, snow, spades, steak and eggs, Santa

and Charleston

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My momentary self-torture

Repeat song over
In my head, Chris Isaak sings
stupid catchy tune

Song of the Day: Somebody's Crying - Chris Isaak

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Power of Apathy

so, after an interesting weekend [interesting in the internal thought kind of way, not at all in the big-exciting-story kind of way] I have decided that I am done responding to people's drama. I don't know if drama is the right term. I am done having people guilt me for completely inconsequential things.

Now, if I were a malicious person or had bad intentions, I would think it would make sense and I would be deserving of guilt. But I am finally realizing that there are times when people make a really big deal of nothing and I'm tired of responding to it.

Maybe it is my constant need to make sure those around me are happy that I am actually the one making a bigger deal of might be that it's just their reaction and they are not actually that angry.

Either way, I'm done, and it feels GREAT! I complain about other people having so much drama and how I'm trying to be drama free, but I think that by allowing for these big reactions, or even acknowledging them I am merely feeding into this drama system.

Our own happiness can only come from ourselves and we set the terms of our own reality. So why am I constantly catering to appeasing others when all it is doing is increasing the stress put upon myself? It's their problem, not mine. From empathy to apathy.

We'll see how it goes, but to be completely honest I feel so much better all ready. Maybe because for once I am finally willing to put myself first. And that makes me smile.

Alright world, let's do this!


Song of the Day: Move Along - All American Rejects

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I don't care about apathy

It is interesting to me how when everything is going fine there's not a whole lot to say. Ask someone who's perfectly content with their life how things are going and they will most likely answer with "fine." Ask them what's new and the answer may be a bit of a might just be "nothing."

Does one always have to have something new going on or have a change in the pattern of their every day life to be happy? I don't think so. I think some people are truly content with the status quo of their lives. Most people don't like things around them to change - it makes them uncomfortable.

So what is it that drives some people to be constantly changing? To associate nothing new with being boring?

Historically, the structure of drama deals with conflict and is either a comedy or a tragedy...perhaps by living devoid of drama people are then able to not deal with the high and low emotions brought about by either comedy or tragedy. But then neither is it an interesting story to tell. People aren't interested in hearing about average.

As with the yin and yang, there needs to be the balance of both or the other will cease to exist. It's all relative; without knowing ugliness you cannot appreciate beauty. Same with tragedy and comedy.

All I know is I would rather be on the roller coaster of life enjoying both the highs and lows than floating down a steady stream that offered no white water challenges.

Song of the Day: Another Day by Paul McCartney (like you didn't see that coming)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Listing isn't just something that happens on a boat

The other day at a friend's house I was reading their book of lists - Milk, Eggs, Vodka. Quite amusing. The past few days I have been doing some major spring cleaning (technically I have until June 21st!) and cleaning both my desk at work and my room at home. I figure I should go with it while I have the motivation; if we average the trending of the last 29 years, the mood should again strike me in about...well...29 years.

So, since I have been digging through papers who age can only be determine through radioactive carbon dating, I have come across some lists of my own with no idea of what they mean. So, in honor of Milk, Eggs, Vodka, here are my own lists (if I was really doing this I would take a photo and upload that. Maybe tomorrow.)

List from work says:

Chris Hahn
nursing home

what could that possibly mean? I have absolutely no idea who Chris Hahn is...or what he (she?) has to do with a nursing home.

List from home says:

-knee high socks

feel free to use your imaginations on that one...I can't imagine what kind of supplies these were, or what I was attempting to do with them...

This one is too irrelevant to know the connection: today's Song of the Day was inspired from watching Striptease earlier (I had never seen it before) and this has been stuck in my head ever since.

Song of the Day: Little Bird by Annie Lennox