"oh, what school are you guys from?" - I explained to him we were just a bunch of random old people who were out celebrating. And asked where he went "Oh. Seattle University - you know, over that way" (pointing) Yeah dude, I know. No, I didn't say that.
I find it odd that people so often assume that I'm in some kind of schooling program. I mean, it's great - but also surprising to me, because I feel so far removed from college.
While travelling home for Christmas last year, I had a brown tube carrying a poster for my brother and a print for my parents. When I went to get off the plane, a woman handed it to me from the overhead and rather excitedly asked "Oh, is that some homework or a project?!" . Um, no. But thanks? It felt more awkward than complimentary but perhaps in ten years I will be more grateful for looking young. *by the way, I don't actually think I look that young...
Tonight at one point we were talking about Bel Biv Divoe and Boys II Men and someone said: "A.B.C., B.B.D."
I replied "(finishing the song) mmm, hmmmm. Whatever happened to A.B.C. anyway?"
at this point someone else joined in: "They weren't cute anymore. HA, A.B.C. - more like Another Bad Creation. (pause) ...oh, wait...that was actually their name, wasn't it?"
Song of the Day: Van Halen - Nerf Herder
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