Monday, May 19, 2008

One in Ten

Time never ceases to amaze me. The last post I made was ten days ago and yet it seems like it has been eons since I sat down and typed on my laptop (I don't count making moves on scrabulous as typing). As Einstein would suppose, time moves differently dependent upon whether the person experiencing the time is moving or stationary.

While I'm not quite sure how that translates to my past week and a half in the mathematic way, I certainly know that time often feel relative. I've been travelling, house/cat-sitting, bike commuting etc. and it seems as though all my time is spent on the move. Please note I have excluded my time spent at my desk from work into this very scientific calculation. I need to make a graph for graphjam.

Since I am house-sitting during bike-to-work month, I'm really making a conscious effort to bike even though I have been further away from downtown than I would be from my house...while I will inevitably (and hopefully) be in better shape by the end of the month, my commute has shifted from mindless music-listening, out-of-the-window-staring, thought-wandering bus riding to pedal-pedal-pedal-I-can-(huff-huff-breathe-breathe)-make-it-(pant-pant-breathe-breathe)-up-this-(wheeze-wheeze-breathe-breathe)-hill.

So, while perhaps I have embodied more of the 'living in the moment' zen so many seek, I haven't quite had the same sub-conscious down-time. While I would love for this excuse to be the reason I haven't been writing that much, I don't know if that's really the case.

For anything in life, you either do it or you don't. So, if you want something to be done, you just need to get off your ass, over yourself, and just do it.

I have a friend who gets up every morning at 5am (5AM!!!!) to write. Now that is a dedication and commitment that is truly impressive, and I think really shows where her priorities are for herself. At the end of the day, it's what we gives our priorities to that dictates the life we lead.

I will bend over backwards to save pennies and PTO to be able to travel as I want; if there is something else I want to successfully accomplish I need to be as willing to sacrifice and re-arrange other things to give that new item priority. If I can bring lunch every day knowing my saved money will contribute to my Hawaiian vacation, why can't I walk away from the television knowing that hour could be better spent writing lengthy stream-of-consciousness diatribes? (you may disagree with the 'better spent' sentiment)

No matter what it is you are trying to pursue, you can only accomplish it by not just thinking about it and dreaming about it but by actually doing it; until you are ready to willingly make that dream your priority in your every-day life, it will continue to merely remain a dream.

Song of the Day: Monkey Wrench - the Foo Fighters

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