Friday, April 30, 2010

Found in a notebook covered with hybiscus

In my new life:
  • Channel Lanai
  • Live simply - by choice
  • enjoy the beauty around you
  • you don't need a lot of stuff
  • plan to BE FREE

Waikiki Haiku
waiting for the 4
really want to eat dinner
yogurt has worn off


The sweet taste of the envelope offered no comfort. The letter marked the finality of it all, and the only sweetness about it was currently found on her tongue.


The lady at the Westin said it wasn't possible to get journals anymore because they weren't selling -- now someone comes in once a year and asks (I apparently get the annual honor of asking for 2008).

What Would Hemmingway Do? (WWHD) - he and Picasso were apparently always running around with a Moleskine. They seem to be for sale everywhere in Europe...yet in the entire SLC airport, and on every island thus far (BI, Maui, Lanai, Oahu) they are no where to be found. Maybe these days what people need is a blog book. Something to keep your thoughts organized until you get to a computer. [2010 interruption - with the quality of cell phones and the prevalence of twitter, that's already available if you want it]


LOVE Waikiki

Love sitting and watching surfers - good surfers, bad surfers, new surfers.

All together in one locale enjoying the sport - and you know people are, in general clueless enough so you do not get mad if you accidentally get cut off



my apologies
we need to go to dinner
hopefully this week

If they wrap buses for advertising, why don't they consistently keep the same buses on the same routes? then you could always find your bus easily.

As the comfort of online business increases, the need for interactive customer service decreases. Someone should start selling cars online so I don't have to deal with the people at the dealership.

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