Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I don't care about apathy

It is interesting to me how when everything is going fine there's not a whole lot to say. Ask someone who's perfectly content with their life how things are going and they will most likely answer with "fine." Ask them what's new and the answer may be a bit of a shock...it might just be "nothing."

Does one always have to have something new going on or have a change in the pattern of their every day life to be happy? I don't think so. I think some people are truly content with the status quo of their lives. Most people don't like things around them to change - it makes them uncomfortable.

So what is it that drives some people to be constantly changing? To associate nothing new with being boring?

Historically, the structure of drama deals with conflict and is either a comedy or a tragedy...perhaps by living devoid of drama people are then able to not deal with the high and low emotions brought about by either comedy or tragedy. But then neither is it an interesting story to tell. People aren't interested in hearing about average.

As with the yin and yang, there needs to be the balance of both or the other will cease to exist. It's all relative; without knowing ugliness you cannot appreciate beauty. Same with tragedy and comedy.

All I know is I would rather be on the roller coaster of life enjoying both the highs and lows than floating down a steady stream that offered no white water challenges.

Song of the Day: Another Day by Paul McCartney (like you didn't see that coming)

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